Sunday, November 1, 2009

BP3_20091101_RSS Feeds

My RSS and Why...

Education Technology- I chose this feed because it simply talks about Technology and I love tech. I also love to read about new tech in education, so that I can stay on top of things.

Webblogg-ed- A new site for me but one that may come in handy durinf this course and beyond as it deals with blogging in education.

Web Apps on Go2Web20- I choose this feed for obvious reasons Go2Web2.0 is an amazing site and I feel in love with it the first time I saw it. This feed is important in order to keep myself in the know with the latest 2.0 apps.

Broward Education- This one is the simplest choice- I work in Broward County so many of the articles here really hit home with me anf provide me with a good picture of education in my town.

FeedMyApp- Another great tool that I can use to get my fill of web 2.0 apps and widgets.

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