Monday, November 2, 2009

BP5_20091102_Researching and Blogging about Web 2.0 Tools

I have researched this Web 2.0 tool for use with my third grade students. I feel it could be a great way to get them more involved in their own education. It is hard to get young children to really understand the importance of their grades. This applies to most of the students I teach even if their parents punish thm if they make bad grades, they still are not motivated to to do their best for themselves. If you work hard to avoid a punishment you will only work hard if you feel the punishment is waiting for you. I want my studnets to want to do well for their own benefit. I want them to treat this free education like one they are paying top dollar for. It is very true that most people don't value things that they don't earn. I see students everyday that view school as a place their parents make them go to and any day they don't have to come is a blessing.

I see as a way to combat this feeling by creating a place on the web a little community like myspace or facebook just for us, my students and myself. We will be the only ones who can access the community which makes it safer to use than some other fully public online communities. I could post their homework and assignments here and they would have to log in the see them. I would allow them to log on at school. They could talk to their classmates just like on myspace and chat about class, homework or anything they like. I am hoping this social aspect would entice them to want to log on.

I could also use this tool to keep parents involved as they could see at a glance what is going on in class with their student. They could check to see if their child is completing their assignment or not and they could also read the messages I send to their child. I would send them messages that tell them how well they are doing; behaviorally, educationally and socially. I would base they social grade upon how much and who appropriately they interact with each other inside the community.

I feel this approach would be a lot of fun for my students. I believe I could create some real student interest.

Interest in their grades.

Interest in their school.



  1. My daughter is in third grade. Her teacher has a weekly newsletter and that is very helpful to know what is going on in the classroom. I DO pay top dollar for her education. I know that she would love to do what you are proposing here. I also think it would help with reading and writing for your students. Too bad you aren't in the game design yet. I can't wait till we are in that class. I want to create an addictive game like Cafe World or Sims. :) Great start Mr. HD :)

  2. Nice! I totally agree. As a parent, I would definitely want to know how my children are doing in school. I also think that the students would love to have their own place to chat and call their own. I think this a great way to engage students!

  3. AGREED!!! I would love to hear about it if you do this including how students and parents respond. Fantastic post, Henry!
